Sunday, November 25, 2012

How to take Advantage of your connection speed and NIC

How to take Advantage of your connection speed and NIC Tube. Duration : 6.92 Mins.

First, "What is a NIC?" you might ask yourself. A NIC is a Network Interface Controller. Pretty much it's the device you stick your CAT-3(Ethernet) cable into. This device can be altered as well as some software based settings implemented by the OS(referring to the windows operating system.) These option if set correctly to your system can become very beneficial to having better gameplay and taking advantage of your ISP. Okay, time to get to the point. You can either a.(do all this by using the registry editor and command prompt in windows.) or b. use I will do this by using the TCP Optimizer. Okay lets go through each setting and select the best setting for you. Connection speed: This should be set to your max download rate. So if you download at 256 kilobytes a second, it would be 2 Mbps. Here is a list of speeds: 128 KBps = 1 Mbps 256 KBps = 2 Mbps 512 KBps = 4 Mbps 1 MBps = 8 Mbps 2 MBps = 16 Mbps The calculation to find your exact speed is you take your highest download speed you've ever reached and multiply it times 8(assuming it was in megabytes) and select the closest number on the slider. You can also use this site to help you with any bit/byte calculations. Now, select your network adapter. You're MTU should be set as high as your ISP can give you, and you can find your MTU by using the MTU/Latency tab. The PPPoE setting will not be explained in this guide due to the rarity of use. TCP Window Auto-Tuning should be set to ...


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