Tuesday, February 19, 2013

How to Install Alfa AWUS036H on Mac OS X 10.6

How to Install Alfa AWUS036H on Mac OS X 10.6 Tube. Duration : 3.05 Mins.

This guide is to help new users install the Alfa AWUS036H USB Network Connector on Mac OSX 10.6 Snow Leopard. PDF download of these instructions: www.4shared.com Basically what the problem is is that there is no Realtek RTL8187L driver for OS X 10.6. The 10.5 driver does work, but the installer doesn't. Using some simple command line work, we can fix the install so that you can use your Alfa USB with 10.6. STEPS: 1) Download the Realtek RTL8187L from this link: www.4shared.com If you download from another link, be sure you are downloading 8187L, NOT 8187B. 8187B will not work in this case. 2) Unpack the RAR file using a program such as Zipeg (my personal favorite unarchiving tool for Macs - Google it for a download link). Once unpacked, double-click the install.pkg file to begin the installation, and proceed through the installation as you normally would. Restart your computer. 3) Once rebooted, open up a Terminal window. Then type in the commands listed below in that order (leave out the #, they are simply indicators of commands). When using sudo you will be prompted for your password, so be prepared to enter it. # cd /System/Library/Extensions # sudo chmod -R 755 rtl8187l.kext # sudo chown -R 0:0 rtl8187l.kext # exit Close the Terminal window and once again reboot your computer. 4) Plug in your device via the USB connector. Then open up Terminal once more and type: # sudo kextutil -t -v /System/Library/Extensions/rtl8187l.kext # exit Close Terminal. 5) At this point the ...


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