Saturday, January 19, 2013

REVIEW OF NETGEAR WNCE2001 Ethernet to Wireless Universal Adapter Wifi to Ethernet

REVIEW OF NETGEAR WNCE2001 Ethernet to Wireless Universal Adapter Wifi to Ethernet Video Clips. Duration : 14.97 Mins.

netgear wnce2001 review on setup make sure no devices or hooked up to router wired or wireless you need to hook up the ethernet cable provided to netgear device and computer/laptop. as well as the dc power to usb cord provided.(so both usb and ethernet plug should be in your computer/laptop if netgear menu does not pop plz type in address you need the password code of your router in the setup(u will need 2know this b4 hooking up) if u get a red light means it didnt connect or lost connection,to get back 2green just plug out device and plug back in(dont press wps button on device like i did in this video lol b/c it wont reconnect that way)


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