Sunday, September 23, 2012

How to connect a ps3 to a USB modem

How to connect a ps3 to a USB modem Tube. Duration : 4.57 Mins.

Notes : When you connect with a USB modem , disable the wireless connection. (or any other connections , we don't want any conflicts) Turn of firewalls. (and no , it won't affect your computer...) Set MTU value to 1460. You can play online , but if your ISP is like mine , you may encounter some unstable connection. If you get a DNS error , try this : While you are in the connection settings , got to the dns part , choose manual and put these " and " And for those who are getting ip addres timeout , try this : 1.Go to the search bar (in windows vita/7) or Run ( in Xp ) and type " cmd " then press enter. 2.Type " ipconfig " and press enter. 3.under the " Ethernet adapter local area connection " , type down these information in a paper : ip address , subnet mask and default gateway. 4.Now go to the ps3 network configuration , Manual. 5.When you get to ip , chose manual and type in the information (IMPORTANT NOTE : You must change your last 2 digits in your ip address to some random number like 30/40/50 , for example my ip is , i must change it to . 6.And when you get to the dns , make it manual and put it same as Default gateway ip. 7.And you're done , please test it and tell me if it works or not. Hope this helped.


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